Saturday 14 April 2012

Successful extraction

Well the mission to Marakesh was a success and the crew member has been successfully removed from the bordello. Not entirely, it must be added, according to his wishes. However as I pay his damn wages he will do as I ask!
Said crew member often disappears for weeks and months on end and I always find him holed up in some dark and dingy bordello. However, I need to gather the crew for some upcoming projects I have lined up.
So far we have a navigator/historian of antiquities, a trainee (essentially a cabin boy at present) and my fixer. He is an invaluable member of the team and gets things done. Sometimes it is better not to ask how and that is often why he may disappear from time to time. I will persuade him to give us some of his tales too. There is one other member I would like to add to the crew but she is a little reluctant at present but I am sure I can provide a little persuasion.
I will give you more detail on the crew soon but for now I need to get this infernal machine recharged.